
Mrs. Nayan Tara Upadhyay


" Failure is not the end of life but the beginning of success"

No human is born successful, rather his own thinking helps in making dreams come true. This example fits best for the young and visionary entrepreneur Mrs.Nayan Tara.Upadhyay, She is a woman who started her career on a small scale but her dreams were very big. That's why with the combination of patience and perseverance, she became the CMD of India's unique direct selling company NAPTHA PETRO PVT.LTD.

Mrs .Nayan Tara Upadhyay made a humble beginning of her professional journey. However, she soon developed an interesting idea and then was born Naptha petro Pvt. Ltd. in 2019. Committed to deliver 'value for money' and create ideal opportunities in direct selling business, she successfully built and gradually led this venture to new heights. This firm is now the best networking company in the world.

Ethically inclined, Mrs. Nayan Tara Upadhyay is determined to reshape Indian direct selling industry by providing clean and upright working environment. She has always believed that network marketing has tremendous potential in a diverse culture like India, for the business is about relationship building and not merely trading products. She intends to spread a growing number of utility products, services and business prospects nationally and internationally. As a part of her growth strategy for the company, she plans to spread Indian direct selling business overseas and establish a well-connected network of distributors across the world.


Dr. Pradeep Kumar


" The harder the struggle will be the victory will be even better."

Full of enterprising spirit, Naptha Petro’s founding member and whole time director Dr. Pradeep Kumar loved to venture into unknown territories with courage and conviction. Although there was a lot of struggle in the beginning, but he made those circumstances and failures the basis of his success. A people's person at the heart, he moved inch by inch towards turning his dreams into reality and in the year 2009 establised a pharmaceutical company named Nanocea Biotec which is successfully rising to great heights.

Determined to take the Indian direct selling business to recognition and respectability, Dr. Pradeep Kumar has ambitious plans for Naptha Petro. As part of his overseas business strategy, he plans to establish extensive network of Naptha Petro business all over the world and offer interesting business opportunities to people of diverse social and ethnic backgrounds.


Dr. Shubham Kumar

Founder Director

" Pace gives us Progress "

Dr. Shubham Kumar, very kind and a person who always takes tough decisions. although studying abroad he gives his time time in naptha petro. with his intelligence and abilities he become the youngest instructor in the company. he was only 20 when he joined, He loves to speak less and he always suggest his team to speak less and work hard. His contributions in making of company were so important. either it was team management, product designing or development of company. It is like Dr. Shubham Kumar has solutions for every obstacles. He often says " pace gives us progress ". A person should do his work little bit every single day. Work with dedication always gives us success and we achieve our goals.