
Our Vision

To be the gold standard of the best network marketing company in India by offering high quality products of enduring trust while promoting the spirit of free enterprise to bring prosperity and enrich lives.

Our Mission

Keeping in mind the needs, likes, comfort and security of each customer, developing a special range of high quality specific products and reaching customers at affordable prices, while dedicated to continuous improvement in their quality and utility. At the same time, devising the best multi-level networking business for the marketing and sale of products through independent distributors under a free enterprise based business process outsourcing model. While striving to grow with honesty and integrity, Naptha Petro aims to building capacity, capability and credibility of the distribution channel, by imparting focused training and education to the business partners and employees to improve their potential.

Our Values

Positive Attitude ► To succeed
Quest for Knowledge ► To empower self
Determination ► To stay on course
Courage ► To weather the challenges
Humility ► To learn from others
Creativity ► To rise above mediocrity
Leadership ► To lead by example
Teamwork ► Leverage cooperative genius to synergize and grow
Accountability ► To take complete responsibility
Passion ► Hunger for success
Quality ► To assure excellence